Goals for the summer!

Another day in the grind. Other than being officially one day behind the original proposed MCAT study schedule I feel I've achieved all that was humanly possible, in a single day. After 3 hours of finally competent volleyball at Miliken community center I finally realized how rusty and slack my game is; I think this really opened my eyes to what I should look forward to for the remainder of the summer! I've decided to live my life in the confinement of the library during the day, and the stress relieving atmosphere of the gym at night. In addition to getting back into shape to play more competitive volleyball I'm hoping to get my G drivers license over with. Everything else aside, I desperately need to get my normal sleeping schedule back on track. It's surprising how quickly the habit of sleeping late from exam period carried over to my everyday life.
Must bid farewell to that thing I feel is all too familiar, what I truly hate (and I don't use hate often.. I hope), and the thing that spent the entire year in my company: "procrastination".
I like the way you were writing. You are approching the point what you should. Keep going on---