Saturday, October 29, 2011

Heartless? Child hit by car.. twice, bystanders take no notice.

Now this has already been out for roughly a month now, but only recently did I have some time to research into this situation. First of all, it surprises me beyond belief that no one would help a injured child lying on the street. I can understand, MAYBE and that's a huge maybe that people generally don't want to cause trouble for themselves. However, I feel that there's a fine line between selfishness and selflessness. It's always hard to distinguish when you should go out of your way to help a stranger. For example, if you saw a homeless man asking for money, or an injured child lying on the street. Does the child necessarily deserve help more than the homeless person? Now, I'm not here to answer questions like that, instead, I would like to discuss this specific situation. In the situation below (I've included a video in this post) The child is hit by a truck/car twice, it doesn't take much to make a phone call or alert some other people of an injured child. Unfortunately, not one bystander even goes so far as stopping for a second look. If it's not part of our instinct to help others of our kind in pain, then the word "human nature" truly needs to be re-defined. In more shocking revelations, the driver of the car that first hit the child defended himself by saying it would be cheaper for him to pay the parents off after the child dies than having to pay for hospital bills. Now if you watch the video, you'll realize that the child is first hit, then the car stalls a bit, but then runs the child again with the hind wheel. If the driver even had a little bit of logical reasoning, he would've checked on the condition of the child and continue to make his decision based on the well being of the child. Instead he automatically assuming a fatality and drove on. May peace and justice eventually come to the child's parents, maybe next time they'll learn to take better care of toddlers. Perhaps not let them wander off into the middle of the street.


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