Saturday, October 15, 2011

More police brutality and Occupy Bay Street?

No words can express how sad I am to see this video pop up on Youtube. As most people probably know, the occupy wall street movement in the United States have spread its protesting to their capital Washington. This video is but one of the few examples of police crossing the fine line between serving the people and working against them.

In other and more local news, the Occupy Bay street movement in Toronto has officially started. The misrepresented 99% of the masses feel the government is allowing the 1% of the rich continue their greed while the 99% of the common people are slowly falling into jobless depression. They plan on modelling their protesting regime similar to their American counterparts. What I find extremely bothersome about these protests are how little they get out of them. I understand the idea of freely expressing your opinions, but, looking to the past i.e. the G20 protests. What exactly was accomplished after those riots? It started off as a protest, that turned into burning cars and breaking windows. In my honest opinions, I feel that while these protests do have an important message at their core, without civil organization and strong leadership, all they will be is a bunch of restless kids yelling eventually leading to people behaving at their worst.


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